Monday, 6 September 2010

Things! Things! Things!

Here's a poem sent to me by Emma, who heard me give the talk posted previously. It sums up the frustration that stuff has in modern life. Oh for freedom from things, things, things :)
Things! Things! Things! On the table, on the floor, Tucked away behind the door; On the shelves and on the chairs: Dangerously on the stairs. Bureaus crammed and closets filled, Boxes packed and boxes spilled: Bundles everywhere you go, Heaps and piles that overflow Of Things! Things! Things!
Things! Things! Things! Things of value, worthless trash; Things preserved or gone to smash, Ancient things and things just bought, Common things and things far sought. Things you mean to throw away, Things you hope to use some day: Cellar, attic, all between One exasperating scene Of Things! Things! Things!
Things! Things! Things! Things that take our precious time; Hold us from the life sublime, Things that only gather dust, Things that rot and things that rust; Things that mold and things that freeze: Things that harbour foul disease, Things that mock us and defy, Till at last we grimly die Of Things! Things! Things!
Things! Things! Things! Let me cease to be their fool, Let me fly their crafty rule! Let me with unsparing knife Cut their canker from my life! Broad and clear and all serene Let me make my mansion clean From Things! Things! Things!
Amos R. Wells

I mentioned the 'Story of Stuff' before, I thought I might as well post it here: